
Namespace: ASPSecurityKit
Assembly: ASPSecurityKit.dll


Provides an interface to manage authenticated sessions.




Gets the identity token details for the specified authUrn after validating such things as expiration, firewall, applicability for current request etc.


The identity token details for the specified authUrn.

Name Type Description
authUrn System.String An urn in the format [idTokenType]:[idToken] for instance apikey:[apiKeyGuid].
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance. Check out the other overload Login for more details.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.

This method calls the other overload Login with createCookie parameter as false. Use this method for API requests and return appropriate auth details (sessionId/secret) to the calling client so it can sign subsequent API calls.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance with Result equals Success and Auth populated with identity details if login was successful; otherwise a reason of failure. To learn more about the possible reasons of failure, check out Login.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.
createAuthCookie System.Boolean If set to true an auth cookie will be created and added to the response.

This method makes call to Login for login. Additionally, it also sets up a persistent db userSession using CreateNewUserSession. A persistent db userSession entity is required for such things as multi-factor authentication. If calling from a regular (non-ajax) http post as in MVC controller’s actions, you can additionally indicate it to generate an auth Cookie for the new session. Subsequent requests with this cookie will automatically authenticate the request with the same user session identity.



Clears the session data related to the current authenticated user and marks the associated db session object as expired.


This method has no parameters.



Loads an existing session from cache or creates a new empty session for the specified identity token.

Name Type Description
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.

Don’t confuse ‘session’ here with ‘userSession’. The former is a general temporary session applicable to any type of authenticated identity token (APIKey/UserSession/etc.) and is only persisted on the cache for faster reload in subsequent calls. while the latter refers to user session which is a persisted db entity and is created upon user login. Note to implementers: you need not load user details when creating a new session. It’s the job of consuming code to check if session is already filled; if not so, it must call user.load.



Determines whether multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token.


true if multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token; otherwise, false.

Name Type Description
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.



Gets the identity token details for the specified authUrn after validating such things as expiration, firewall, applicability for current request etc.


The identity token details for the specified authUrn.

Name Type Description
authUrn System.String An urn in the format [idTokenType]:[idToken] for instance apikey:[apiKeyGuid].
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.



Gets the identity token details for the specified authUrn after validating such things as expiration, firewall, applicability for current request etc.


The identity token details for the specified authUrn.

Name Type Description
authUrn System.String An urn in the format [idTokenType]:[idToken] for instance apikey:[apiKeyGuid].
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance. Check out the other overload Login for more details.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.

This method calls the other overload Login with createCookie parameter as false. Use this method for API requests and return appropriate auth details (sessionId/secret) to the calling client so it can sign subsequent API calls.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance. Check out the other overload Login for more details.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.

This method calls the other overload Login with createCookie parameter as false. Use this method for API requests and return appropriate auth details (sessionId/secret) to the calling client so it can sign subsequent API calls.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance with Result equals Success and Auth populated with identity details if login was successful; otherwise a reason of failure. To learn more about the possible reasons of failure, check out Login.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.
createAuthCookie System.Boolean If set to true an auth cookie will be created and added to the response.

This method makes call to Login for login. Additionally, it also sets up a persistent db userSession using CreateNewUserSession. A persistent db userSession entity is required for such things as multi-factor authentication. If calling from a regular (non-ajax) http post as in MVC controller’s actions, you can additionally indicate it to generate an auth Cookie for the new session. Subsequent requests with this cookie will automatically authenticate the request with the same user session identity.



Authenticates the user and sets up a new db userSession object upon success.


A LoginResult instance with Result equals Success and Auth populated with identity details if login was successful; otherwise a reason of failure. To learn more about the possible reasons of failure, check out Login.

Name Type Description
username System.String The username.
password System.String The password.
rememberMe System.Boolean if set to true sets up a long-lived session.
letSuspended System.Boolean If set to true a suspended user is permitted to login; otherwise login is denied.
createAuthCookie System.Boolean If set to true an auth cookie will be created and added to the response.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.

This method makes call to Login for login. Additionally, it also sets up a persistent db userSession using CreateNewUserSession. A persistent db userSession entity is required for such things as multi-factor authentication. If calling from a regular (non-ajax) http post as in MVC controller’s actions, you can additionally indicate it to generate an auth Cookie for the new session. Subsequent requests with this cookie will automatically authenticate the request with the same user session identity.



Clears the session data related to the current authenticated user and marks the associated db session object as expired.


This method has no parameters.



Clears the session data related to the current authenticated user and marks the associated db session object as expired.

Name Type Description
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.



Loads an existing session from cache or creates a new empty session for the specified identity token.

Name Type Description
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.

Don’t confuse ‘session’ here with ‘userSession’. The former is a general temporary session applicable to any type of authenticated identity token (APIKey/UserSession/etc.) and is only persisted on the cache for faster reload in subsequent calls. while the latter refers to user session which is a persisted db entity and is created upon user login. Note to implementers: you need not load user details when creating a new session. It’s the job of consuming code to check if session is already filled; if not so, it must call user.load.



Loads an existing session from cache or creates a new empty session for the specified identity token.

Name Type Description
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.

Don’t confuse ‘session’ here with ‘userSession’. The former is a general temporary session applicable to any type of authenticated identity token (APIKey/UserSession/etc.) and is only persisted on the cache for faster reload in subsequent calls. while the latter refers to user session which is a persisted db entity and is created upon user login. Note to implementers: you need not load user details when creating a new session. It’s the job of consuming code to check if session is already filled; if not so, it must call user.load.



Determines whether multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token.


true if multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token; otherwise, false.

Name Type Description
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.



Determines whether multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token.


true if multi-factor authentication is enabled for the specified request and identity token; otherwise, false.

Name Type Description
requestService ASPSecurityKit.IRequestService The request service.
auth ASPSecurityKit.IAuthDetails The identity token details object.
cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken The cancellation token.